Wednesday, November 21, 2018

National Stuffing Day - With a Twist

Who doesn't love stuffing?
We all have had those moments when a flashy commercial or display advertises quick and easy 10 minute food. Pretty much anyone would go for the 10 minute meal over the homemade version. Not only can homemade stuffing be healthier, it can be more tasty compared to the preservative packed stuff.

  This is Chef Alex's go-to stuffing recipe when he's trying to impress a crowd; and it only takes an hour. Get together some basic ingredients, and let's get cooking!

Servings: 10        Time: 50 minutes

-1.5lbs bread loaf of your choice, cut into pieces, and dried in 350F oven for 15 minutes
-2 peeled apples, diced
-1 yellow onion, thinly diced
-1 package of Polish sausage
-2.5C of chicken or veggie broth
-1/2C dried cranberries
-3 eggs
-2TBS of butter

   Start by heating up a large skillet and add the butter, letting it melt and brown a bit. Slice the sausage to about the width of a quarter. Place diced onion, apple, and sausage into pan. When onion begins to brown, turn the heat off and begin drying your bread in a 350F oven for about 15 minutes, or until it is crunchy. Stir in cranberries into your sauté mixture. Place dried bread into an oven safe deep pan that has been lightly buttered and stir in the sauté mixture with the bread. Add 3 beaten eggs into your mixture. Place uncovered in a 350F oven for about 30 minutes.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Almond Berry Chicken Salad: Your New Summer Go-To Recipe

Have you been looking for a simple and nutritious recipe to make this summer? Whether you have been looking for a quick lunch before heading to the pool or a refreshing dinner outside on the patio, we have you covered with this delicious recipe! This salad consists of fresh and in-season berries, sliced almonds, and seasoned baked chicken on a bed of fresh spinach leaves, all topped with poppy seed dressing. This recipe is cold (which is a staple in this heat) and full of flavor, so follow along and get inspired for your next summer meal!

Almond Berry Chicken Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
Total time: 35 minutes.
Serves: 2.

All you need:
1 lb. package of 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (we used SmartChicken)
1.5 tsp. Mrs. Dash Salt-Free Chicken Seasoning
1 tbsp. olive oil
4 cups baby spinach
1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup sliced almonds
4 tbsp. poppy seed dressing (we used Marzetti but feel free to pick up your favorite)

All you do:
1. Gather all listed ingredients.
2. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
3. Add 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and 1.5 tsp. of chicken seasoning into a bowl and mix together.
4. Place chicken breasts on an ungreased pan, 8 x 8, and brush the olive oil and seasoning mixture evenly onto the two chicken breasts. 
5. Bake in the oven uncovered for 25-35 minutes until the chicken is no longer pink on the inside. Check the chicken with a food thermometer and make sure the chicken reaches at least 165 degrees F, so you know it is safe to eat and cooked thoroughly. 
6. While the chicken is baking, wash the strawberries and blueberries with cold water. Cut the tops off of the strawberries and slice each strawberry in half. 
7. Place ½ cup of strawberries in one bowl and ½ cup of strawberries in another bowl. Add ½ cup of blueberries to each bowl of strawberries. 
*One bowl of berries will top one salad bowl.
8. After the chicken is done baking, transfer the chicken breasts to a cutting board and dice into bite-sized chunks. Separate the chicken chunks into 2 servings. 
9. Add 2 cups of spinach leaves to each salad bowl (doesn’t need to be exact). 
10. Top each salad bowl with 3 ounces of chicken breast chunks.
11. Add the fresh blueberries and strawberries on top of the chicken. 
12. Add ¼ cup of almonds to each salad.
13. Add 2 tablespoons of poppy seed salad dressing to each salad. 
14. Enjoy the cool, colorful and nourishing salad!
Now, if you're thinking you may need a little more substance, add some carbs! We have our protein and well over the recommendation of half our plate being fruits and veggies, but this meal could use some more carbs. They're nothing to be afraid of! A side of pasta or rice would be a great, more filling addition. Listen to what your body needs. It's quite smart. J

Do you have a favorite summer meal? We'd love to hear about it!

Until next time,

Your West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitian Team

Monday, June 25, 2018

Balance Magazine Highlights: June 2018 Issue

There is still one more week in June, so come grab your FREE June edition of Balance magazine before it’s gone! This month’s issue features the Wahlberg family with Mark, Donnie, Paul and their mother on the front cover. This article takes a peek into the careers and lives of the Wahlberg brothers, ranging from their “Wahlburger” food business to gathering for family dinners. Besides behind-the-scenes details of life as a Wahlberg, this month’s issue is also full of a variety of nutrition, health & wellness, fitness and food articles. You’re guaranteed to learn something new! Check out some dietitian highlights below!

Fermented Foods (Pg. 10)
This article details the importance of fermented foods and why dietitians recommend them! Fermented foods are full of good bacteria called probiotics, which help keep your digestive system on track. Foods such as kimchi, yogurt, kefir and kombucha are highlighted in Balance as they are rich sources of probiotics. In addition, each of these products adds essential nutrients to your diet. For an example, kombucha is a carbonated tea that has been fermented with bacteria and yeast that may help with digestive issues such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. A healthy gut is a happy gut!

Sock It To Me (Pg. 41)
Salmon is a high quality protein to add to your meals, especially when Sockeye Salmon season is here! Check out this article to learn about the health benefits and nutrients of salmon, how to cook it well and where the best salmon comes from. Wild sockeye has a unique flavor, is bright red in color and extra firm in texture. Hy-Vee’s sockeyes are also rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote optimal brain and heart health. Swim on over to this article to read more on how to grill and cook this delish fish perfectly this summer!

Foods for Healthy Blood Pressure (Pg. 43)
Many foods are good for lowering blood pressure and this article details a handful. According to the America Heart Association (AHA), an estimated 103 million U.S. adults have high blood pressure, so it’s important to talk about! Potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber found in vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, whole grains, nuts and seeds all contribute to a heart-healthy diet. This article cites studies that link consumption of whole grains and low-fat dairy to a reduction in blood pressure. Read more on page 43 to get a tasty breakfast bowl recipe that incorporates these blood pressure reducing foods!

Sports Nutrition (Pg. 79)
Fueling your body is important, especially when exercising. Our bodies need a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals each day, and when we exercise these needs increase. This article provides a few examples of high-energy foods including whole grains, fruits and veggies, dairy, nuts and seeds that make great fuel and recovery foods. Head to page 79 to find out what vitamins and minerals these foods provide and why they are beneficial in fulfilling your body’s needs!

We all could use a little more Balance in our lives. Stop on by your West Lakes Hy-Vee to find yours today. J

Until next time,

Your West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitian Team 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Beach Bodies

It’s June now, and since we’re in Iowa, that means it’s HOT. Winter has finally left us, we can break out the shorts and enjoy all things glorious summer! Now, there are plenty of things to do in central Iowa during the summer – roam around the Farmer’s Market, go on walks/to parks, hit the golf course – but one thing stands out as the coolest way to beat the heat: water! Going to the pool, the beach, sailing around Saylorville or even setting up a sprinkler in the yard are all ideal when it comes to getting that heat relief. As fun as it is though, it can be anxiety inducing for many because of the often sought after “beach body.”

It seems like everyone wants to have a beach body, and many of you are probably working hard on yours. As swimsuit season gets closer each year, the dieting increases, as do workouts and often self-loathing thinking your body will never be ready. Guess what, though? You already have a beach body. We put so much pressure on ourselves to try to look “better” to avoid embarrassment, shame and insecurities surrounding our bodies, but all our bodies ever do is try to take care of us the best they know how. We come in all shapes and sizes, and there is nothing wrong with that!

Check out this video by ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Health)! I love it and think it’s such a fun depiction of our beautifully different bodies:

Now, there’s nothing wrong with exercising and eating nutritious foods as both are good for overall health. It’s just important to note why you’re doing it. If it’s solely to look better, that may not be a sustainable or mentally healthy reason. But if you move in ways you love and make you feel good, and eat foods you love and make you feel good (including things like ice cream!), that will likely be a more enjoyable way to live and take care of your body.

I think something that is not said enough is that all bodies are good bodies. Contrary to societal beliefs, body size does not determine a person’s worth or how they should be treated. It doesn’t matter what size your body is, or what imperfections you may have (as we all do), all bodies are equally worthy of care and respect. Does that mean everyone treats bodies of all sizes with respect? Unfortunately, no. But that doesn’t make your body any less worthy.

When the weather is hot (or any other time) and you want to find some water to cool down, put on your favorite swimsuit and get out there! You don’t need chiseled abs or toned arms, your beach body is perfect as is. I know it’s much easier said than done, but try not to let your thoughts or worries about your body hold you back from living your fullest life. If this is new to you and you want to learn more about body acceptance, intuitive eating or health at every size, please reach out to me! I’d love to chat with you.

Warmly, until next time,

Dietitian Melissa

Monday, May 21, 2018

Lemon Balsamic Summer Pasta Salad

Memorial Day is only one week away, and if you’ve been wondering what to bring to your get together, I have just the dish! It’s supposed to be a nice, hot weekend here in Central Iowa, so cold foods are what our bodies tend to crave. To me and my taste buds, I would enjoy this salad with some watermelon and a juicy burger. What would you pair it with? Follow the steps below to make this super simple dish!
Lemon Balsamic Summer Pasta Salad
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 11-13 minutes
Servings: 8-12

All you need:
16 oz whole wheat fusilli pasta (or pasta of choice)
1 cucumber, chopped
1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
2 medium sized tomatoes, chopped
½ cup fresh parsley, chopped
4 oz (1 container) crumbled feta cheese
For the dressing:
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
¼ cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (approximately 2 lemons)

All you do:
1. Shop items.
2. Boil pasta according to package directions, cooking until al dente. Strain and rinse with cold water until pasta is chilled. 
3. In a large bowl, combine cucumber, bell pepper, tomatoes, parsley and feta cheese. 
4. In a small bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients.
5. Pour dressing over veggie mixture.
6. Add pasta to mixture and stir to combine. 
7. Enjoy!
This pasta salad is colorful, packed full of nutrition, and 1 out of 1 chefs approve! (Just ask Chef Alex J)

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day and we’ll talk soon!

-Dietitian Melissa

*This recipe was adapted from

Monday, May 7, 2018

International No Diet Day

Yesterday was “International No Diet Day,” which may sound like a made up thing, but I found it on the internet so it must be true. [That’s a little playful sarcasm I hope you come to recognize as these blogs continue. ;)] Personally, I consider every day to be No Diet Day and it is such a freeing way to live! Now, I know this sounds strange coming from a dietitian since we straight up have the word “DIET” in our profession’s name, but let me explain. There are roughly one million diets out there (ok maybe not quite that many but it’s close), and figuring out which one to follow can be very confusing. That’s where I come in with the spoiler: you don’t need to follow any of them.

Let me start by saying, if you have a serious medical condition or life-threatening food allergy, following your doctor’s prescribed diet is in your best interest. However, if you don’t fall into that category, you truly do not need to be following any particular diet. This includes “lifestyle changes,” “clean eating” or anything else that says it isn’t a diet but secretly is. If it looks like a diet and sounds like a diet, it’s a diet regardless of what it’s being called. I’m talking about anything that requires you to count your macros, calories, points, etc, requires you to eat certain portion sizes or eat from a specific food list, eat within a certain time frame or has any rules whatsoever.

If you’re currently on a diet, it’s not your fault that you’re on it. You’re probably just trying to be healthy, lose weight or better yourself in some way, and I understand the allure. Diets run rampant in our society and they make big promises; I’ve been on my fair share over the past decade too. But now that I’ve seen the (metaphorical) light, I’ve learned how to change my ways and my relationship to food has never been better. I no longer feel the need to adhere to food rules of any kind, and I don’t feel any guilt for the food I eat, because food doesn’t define morality, making us “good” or “bad.”

This food freedom I’m talking about stems from learning about Intuitive Eating (IE). I’ve mentioned IE briefly before, but today am going to delve in a little deeper. Firstly, IE is NOT a diet, and if you’ve ever seen it promoted as a means to weight loss, that is not true IE. It was created as a guide to help people learn how to discover the satisfaction of eating again, in a rule-free manner. If you’ve ever been on a diet and then quit it, you may understand what I’m talking about. You go from having rules and structure to not really knowing what to eat, and that’s very common! But you know who the true expert of your food needs is? Your body! It’s very smart and dare I say, intuitive, to what you need on any given day. We just stopped listening to our bodies somewhere along the way.

There are 10 steps to intuitive eating:

1. Reject the diet mentality
2. Honor your hunger
3. Make peace with food
4. Challenge the food police
5. Respect your fullness
6. Discover the satisfaction factor
7. Honor your feelings without using food
8. Respect your body
9. Exercise – feel the difference
10. Honor your health with gentle nutrition

These principles are outlined in great detail in the book “Intuitive Eating,” by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. If you struggle with your relationship with food and would like help working through these steps, please reach out to me! I would be happy to help you discover the freedom that comes through Intuitive Eating, so that No Diet Day can become your everyday too.

Until next time,

Dietitian Melissa

These views are reflective of Melissa personally and not of Hy-Vee, Inc. This advice is not meant to take the place of your primary care provider.

Monday, April 23, 2018

National Zucchini Bread Day

Bread is one of my favorite foods (Oprah and I have that in common), and zucchini is a versatile, nutritious addition to many meals. Today just so happens to be National Zucchini Bread Day, which I did not know existed but am excited about! To celebrate, I whipped up a loaf of zucchini bread to share with you below. It even has chocolate, so you know it’s good!

Dark Chocolate Zucchini Bread
All You Need:
Cooking spray
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups finely shredded zucchini (about 2 medium zucchinis)
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

All You Do:
1. Preheat oven to 350°F; grease 9x5 loaf pan and set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, applesauce and vanilla extract. Whisk together until well-blended.
3. Add the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt to mixture and stir until combined.
4. Add the shredded zucchini and chocolate chips and fold into the mixture until evenly distributed.
5. Pour the mixture into the greased loaf pan from step one and spread evenly.
6. Place in oven and bake for 60-75 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center of the loaf.
7. Remove the pan from the oven and let cool for at least 10 minutes. Finish cooling on cooling rack if desired.
8. Enjoy!

Pro-tip: Enjoy with whatever topping you like. I personally prefer butter slathered on top as it is delicious and satisfying to my taste buds, but you do you. J 

Until next time!

-Dietitian Melissa

Monday, April 9, 2018

National Stress Awareness Month

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and if you’re ever in our store, you know I have a knack for telling people what month it is over the intercom, so might as well continue through the blog J. Since stress is such a normal part of our lives, I wanted to give you a resource to come back to when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Below are some of my favorite stress management tips and tricks!

1. Eat! I know we’ve all heard that emotional eating is “bad,” but honestly, it’s ok. It’s a normal part of life. Eating to deal with stress is one coping tool, but it shouldn’t be the only tool in our toolbox.
2. Write it out! If you ever find you’re feeling stressed and aren’t sure what to do, writing can be an effective tool. If stress is a frequent flyer in your life, I recommend investing in a journal and writing any time you feel stress coming on. I personally find this really helpful in pinpointing where the stress is originating from, and then I have a better idea of how to go about improving that area of life. I read a quote recently by Maya Angelou that said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” How great is that? I read it on a day where I was having a fair amount of stress of my own, and it completely changed my attitude. It was so powerful! That being said, an additional tip is to find an inspirational quote that resonates with you.
3. Breathe! I know we’re all breathing all day everyday (that’s how we stay alive and stuff), but be intentional about your breath. When the inevitable stress monster strikes, take a seat, maybe even close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat until you feel (at least some of) the stress leaving your body.
4. Light some candles, make a bubble bath, and enjoy a glass of wine. This is for you too ladies, not just the men! ;) 
5. Play some golf! (once this unfortunate April snow melts…) Instead of taking out your aggression driving in your car, head to the driving range!
6. Watch this video:
It’s so calming and mesmerizing!
7. Go for a bike ride and feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair (under your helmet, of course). Get active however it feels good for you!
8. Participate in self-care. What does self-care look like for you? Do you like going to a yoga class or for a walk? How about taking a nap, going to a movie or getting a pedicure? Whatever self-care looks like for you, do more of that!

What are your favorite ways to reduce stress? Let us know in the comments!

-Dietitian Melissa

Monday, March 26, 2018

Balance Magazine March Highlights

This month’s Hy-Vee Balance magazine will help you spring into gear with helpful tips to get fit, eat right, and be healthy. Serena Williams, “The Queen of the Court” is featured in this month’s magazine. Serena answers several questions regarding her career as an athlete and motherhood, and also gives some helpful tips related to nutrition and how you can have a healthy lifestyle too. Throughout this balance magazine you will find several recipes, workouts, nutritional information and much more! Continue reading for more highlights from this month’s Balance magazine. You can also pick up a free copy next time you are shopping at Hy-Vee!

Cooking 101: How to Sauté (P.17-18).
Want to know the secret behind successful sautéing? This article gives helpful tips as well as step-by-step instructions on how to sauté the right way. The secret behind successful sautéing is to use medium-high heat and a small amount of oil or fat. Preheat first, then add the ingredients you plan to sauté. Sautéing is a simple and healthy way to incorporate more veggies into your diet! Read this article for step-by-step instructions or watch the video at

Serena Williams (P. 30-37)
“The best thing about life is that every day is an opportunity to work on yourself, to dream a new dream and think bigger… To laugh, smile, and experience more... To love the world around you a little longer than just the day before.” – Serena Williams
Want to know how this four-time Olympic athlete maintains a healthy lifestyle with her busy schedule? Read this article for a Q&A about Serena’s lifestyle, career, motherhood, and the importance of nutrition in her life.  Get an inside look at how she starts her day, her favorite hobby outside of tennis, and tips for readers regarding healthy eating!

Lifted: Moves for Functional Lifting (P. 38)
Are you new to working out, or just wanting to incorporate functional lifting into your workout routine? Read this article for an in-depth look at the big three: dead lift, bench press, and squats. Not only does this article give instructions and tips on how to complete these exercises, there are also several pictures showing the three movements. Quick and easy body-weight exercises are also included in this article, try these next time you’re at the gym or even for your at-home workout!

Home Gym Essentials (P. 42-23)
Not a fan of working out at the gym? Cut the hassle and high cost of using a professional gym and try these at-home workout ideas! Kettlebells, jump ropes and medicine balls are some of the few at home gym essentials listed. How much and how often should you work out? The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days per week. Start your 30-minute workout with a 5-10-minute warmup to prevent injury!

The Jet Set (P. 46-49)
Planning a trip soon? Read this article first for some great tips to save you time and money! Whether you’re traveling alone, with a few friends, or your family, efficiently packing ahead of time is the only way to fly. Not sure what to pack in your carry-on or checked luggage? This article is here to help by breaking down exactly what you should have in each bag while flying as well as the items most frequently purchased at the airport.

Pumping Iron (P. 52-55)
Read this article for everything you need to know about iron. The importance of iron in the diet, iron-rich foods, iron-fortified foods, iron supplements, and daily iron needs are all discussed throughout this article. Not sure if you’re getting enough iron in your diet? Learn how to get tested by your doctors as well as symptoms of too little or too much iron. Ask your nutrition experts, Amanda or Melissa, if you have further questions regarding iron!

Sprouted Grain (P. 108)
Slightly sprouted grains have some big health benefits. Not only are they a complete protein, but they are also filled with vitamins and minerals, fiber, and are easy to digest. Read this article to find out all of the health benefits these grains offer!

Seeds 101 (P. 112) 
This article is a the ultimate guide to seeds. From chia, to pomegrante, to pumpkin, seeds are packed with a nutritious punch and good flavor! Read this article for a list of some of the most popular seeds, their health benefits, and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms (P. 78)
Total Time: 30 minutes | Serves 6

All you need:
2 (10-oz) pkg. Hy-Vee Signature large portabella mushroom caps (6)
2 Tbsp. Hy-Vee sSelect olive oil, divided
Hy-Vee salt and black pepper, to taste
1 (15-oz.) can Hy-Vee no-salt-added garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups peeled and chopped sweet potatoes
1 cup chopped zucchini
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and chopped
4-oz. Hy-Vee Pepper Jack cheese, shredded (1 cup)
 ¼ cup tahini
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ cup water

All you do:
1. Gather ingredients.
2. Preheat oven to 400° F and line a rimmed baking pan with parchment paper; set aside. 
3. Wipe portabella mushrooms clean; scrape out the gills and remove the stems.
4. Place mushrooms, cap sides down, on prepared baking pan. Drizzle 1 Tbsp. oil. Roast in oven for 5 minutes.
5. Remove mushrooms from oven when done. Season with salt and pepper, set aside. Drain the garbanzo beans and chop the zuchinni, yellow pepper and red pepper.            
6. Sweet Potato: peel, cut off the ends, slice into slices, cut into strips, dice into cubes.
7. Heat remaining 1 Tbsp. oil in large skillet over medium heat. 
8. Add garbanzo beans and sweet potatoes; cook for 10 minutes or until lightly browned.
9. Stir in zucchini and red and yellow bell pepper. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
10. Spoon sweet potato mixture onto each mushroom. 
11. Top each mushroom with cheese. 
12. Roast cheese-topped mushrooms for 5 minutes more or (until cheese is melted). While cheese is melting, whisk together tahini and lemon juuice; whisk in water until smooth. Serve with mushrooms on the side and enjoy!

Until next time,

-West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitians