Monday, March 20, 2017

Balance Magazine Highlights

Another issue of Balance magazine is available in stores this month. See some dietitian highlights below!
After Hours: How to Curb Late-Night Cravings (p. 28)
Do you ever find yourself mindlessly browsing your kitchen cupboards or refrigerator well into the evening hours? It’s likely this kind of browsing isn’t triggered by hunger. This article provides some tips on how to avoid that late night snacking. It also provides tips on how to successfully snack smarter after hours when cravings are too intense to ward off.  
Myths of Metabolism (p. 50)
“You burn most of your calories while at rest. Exercise and diet determine the rest.” – Truth
“Everything eaten late at night turns to fat”. – Myth
Find out more truths and myths on metabolism in this article.
By the Glass (p. 56)
This article is a definitive guide to milk. Milk from all different sources; dairy, nut-based, rice, etc. You’ll find the nutrition profiles of seven different milks. “Each has its own color, taste and nutrition story.” My personal favorite is unsweetened almond milk. It has 30-40 calories per cup and is a great source of vitamin D and calcium. If you've never tried it before, I recommend combining it with cereal. Once your taste buds get acquired to the flavor and consistency, you may just be craving it by the glass!
Begin™ (back cover)
You may recall my mention of this program in the last issue of Balance. It is also mentioned on the final page of this issue. Begin™ is a ten-week lifestyle management program. If you’re looking to lose weight, eat healthier, or improve your blood sugar or cholesterol numbers, Begin™ is a great program to consider. Your West Lakes Hy-Vee will be hosting a Begin™ group class on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm beginning in April. For more details, be sure to contact myself or Amanda.  
What Fuels Mark Wahlberg (p. 18)
I couldn’t forget to mention Mark Wahlberg! He’s on the front cover of this issue and has an article on his new Performance Inspired nutrition line. From protein bars to protein powder, this line of products can fuel performance. Mark even gives a shout out to Hy-Vee Dietitians on page 25, saying “I love that they have dietitians at all their stores.” As you can see, Amanda and I are big fans J.
-Dietitian Natalie

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