Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Making and Accomplishing Your Health & Fitness Goals

With a new year right around the corner, it is about that time where most people start setting goals for the following year to be a better and healthier one than previous. If you have tried to set New Year’s resolutions in the past and haven’t succeeded in reaching your goals, you’re not alone! According to Business Insider, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February and only about 8% actually finish their goals for the end of the year. We want to help you stay motivated and excited about succeeding with your resolutions, so we came up with tips on how to set goals and accomplish them for a better year!

How to Set Goals the Right Way
1. Make a few small goals rather than one large resolution.
You are more likely to attain your ultimate goal if you break it down into smaller, mini-goals. A bonus to this tip, is that once you finish one of your “mini-goals”, you will feel happy and motivated to continue with your other goals, rather than feeling defeated.
2. Make the goals you set, realistic, specific and measurable.
It is easier to accomplish your goals if you start with a realistic goal for yourself and then work your way up to larger goals. It is also important to set specific and measurable goals, so you can track progress. For an example, if you have a goal to lose weight, track your weight loss and plan your goals according to weight loss. If your goal is to work out more or become stronger, plan your goals according to the amount of days you want to make it to the gym in a week or the amount of reps you want to set for a weight for your goal.
3. Set a timeline for yourself.
Figure out when you would like to be at certain progresses of your goal and try to attain them by a specific date.

How to Accomplish and Stay with Your Goals
1. Be accountable; make goals with a friend.
The more people you tell about your goals, the better! Share with your friends, family and coworkers what your goals are and how you plan to accomplish them because studies have shown having this support from people around you will help you hold yourself more accountable. Setting a goal with a friend and sharing in the journey is another way to hold yourself accountable as well as holding someone else accountable to accomplish the goals you set.
2. Have a positive mindset.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a setback or aren’t progressing as quickly as you think you should with your goal. Try to stay as positive and excited throughout your journey as you did when you first planned your goal. The first few months of trying to accomplish your new goals takes adjustment in your lifestyle, so try not to lose positivity if things are difficult in the beginning.
3. Find resources to help you achieve your goals.
What resources are going to set you on the right path and help you succeed? Food/water intake logs, nutrition education, fitness logs, workout apps and a personal trainer are some resources to help you with your health and fitness goals.

4.  Monitor your progress and celebrate progress.
Keep a log or book to reflect on your goal and your progress. Any progress is good progress. Even if you aren’t progressing as quickly as you’d like, celebrate the little progress as you go. It will help you stay positive and motivated to continue striving for your goal!
5. Lastly, have fun!
Try to have fun with your goals and accomplish them doing fun activities. Enjoy the journey you are on!

For more help reaching your 2018 goals, be sure to reach out to your West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitians!

-West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitian Team 

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