Monday, April 9, 2018

National Stress Awareness Month

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and if you’re ever in our store, you know I have a knack for telling people what month it is over the intercom, so might as well continue through the blog J. Since stress is such a normal part of our lives, I wanted to give you a resource to come back to when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Below are some of my favorite stress management tips and tricks!

1. Eat! I know we’ve all heard that emotional eating is “bad,” but honestly, it’s ok. It’s a normal part of life. Eating to deal with stress is one coping tool, but it shouldn’t be the only tool in our toolbox.
2. Write it out! If you ever find you’re feeling stressed and aren’t sure what to do, writing can be an effective tool. If stress is a frequent flyer in your life, I recommend investing in a journal and writing any time you feel stress coming on. I personally find this really helpful in pinpointing where the stress is originating from, and then I have a better idea of how to go about improving that area of life. I read a quote recently by Maya Angelou that said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” How great is that? I read it on a day where I was having a fair amount of stress of my own, and it completely changed my attitude. It was so powerful! That being said, an additional tip is to find an inspirational quote that resonates with you.
3. Breathe! I know we’re all breathing all day everyday (that’s how we stay alive and stuff), but be intentional about your breath. When the inevitable stress monster strikes, take a seat, maybe even close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat until you feel (at least some of) the stress leaving your body.
4. Light some candles, make a bubble bath, and enjoy a glass of wine. This is for you too ladies, not just the men! ;) 
5. Play some golf! (once this unfortunate April snow melts…) Instead of taking out your aggression driving in your car, head to the driving range!
6. Watch this video:
It’s so calming and mesmerizing!
7. Go for a bike ride and feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair (under your helmet, of course). Get active however it feels good for you!
8. Participate in self-care. What does self-care look like for you? Do you like going to a yoga class or for a walk? How about taking a nap, going to a movie or getting a pedicure? Whatever self-care looks like for you, do more of that!

What are your favorite ways to reduce stress? Let us know in the comments!

-Dietitian Melissa

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