Monday, June 13, 2016

Your West Lakes Hy-Vee Kidsfit 5-week summer camp has officially kicked off!

This 5-week camp is held each Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. on June 8, 15, 22, 29 and July 6.This camp includes kid-friendly workouts and information on staying healthy, taught by your West Lakes Hy-Vee dietitians.  All participants are encouraged to complete the weekly exercise and nutrition homework in order to receive a prize the following week! All kids are welcome!

This week we focused on squats, burpees and hydration.  We even made our own sports drink that included naturally occurring electrolytes from coconut water (see recipe below). 

You can check out Kidsfit online at  Here you’ll find lots of exercise videos that your whole family can enjoy doing together in the comfort of your own home.  Just push play!
Be sure to join in on the fun and register your kids for the remaining weeks by emailing or calling dietitians Natalie or Amanda at 515-223-7389 or,

Homemade Sports Drink
All you need:
1 17.5-oz can Hy-Vee coconut water
1 cup ice
2 packets True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade drink mix
1 container fresh raspberries
2 lemons, sliced
All you do:
Combine all ingredients in large pitcher and stir.  Pour in large glass.  Enjoy!

-Dietitian Natalie

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