Monday, July 17, 2017

Don’t Miss Highlights from the July Issue of Hy-Vee Balance Magazine!

This issue featuring Cubs star, Anthony Rizzo, is packed full of summer activities and recipes that you’ll want to experience. Learn about eating well while traveling, find out which foods will both fill and fuel you up and of course take away recipe ideas to serve on your own table.
 Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: On-the-Go Eats (p.6)
July is filled with grilling, backyard BBQs, picnics and for many people July also means it’s their chance to take that get-away vacay. Aside from photos and souvenirs that we bring back with us, too often vacationing also means adding a little excess weight gain as well. Registered Dietitian, Julie McMillin, is here to answer readers’ questions about healthy snacks, eating out and calories that often go overlooked. Check out her insightful tips and tricks that focus on having fun traveling while avoiding common pitfalls.
Dewlicious Melon (p.15)
Melons are this month’s Dietitian Pick, and since melons pack quite a nutritional punch, it’s easy to see why. One cup of melon balls contains only 65 calories and half your daily requirement of vitamin C. If that’s not reason enough to indulge, this article also offers fresh serving suggestions, food combinations using melons and provides ideas on how melons can be added to popular dishes. On the following page you’ll find a cucumber melon salad recipe that is bright, tastes sweet and only takes 15 minutes to prepare! Check out this article and see why melons truly are dewlicious in every sense of the word.
Road Warriors (p.32)
This article highlights the Hy-Vee Healthy You mobile program. It’s a way to get Dietitians, Pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to help provide customers with care tailored to each individual. Nine RVs travel to health fairs, festivals, schools and markets to provide screenings, vaccinations and other health services. Each RV is equipped with motivational videos, tips for the kitchen, exercises and more. 
Eat the Rainbow (p.39)
Taste the rainbow! This article talks the science behind the bright colors of foods as well as the health benefits that each color provides. Whether you’re looking for a treat that promotes bone health, reduces inflammation, or just wanting to add more color to your plate, this article promises more than just a pot of gold after the rainbow.
Top Shelf (p.56)
Treating yourself to dessert isn’t bad every now and again, however too much can be dangerous and bad for your overall health. This clever article gives pointers on how to stock a healthy pantry so that you’ll have healthy alternatives on hand to combat those relentless cravings. Top Shelf covers the majority of the food groups (i.e. grains, fruits, vegetables and protein) as a way to help you choose a healthy option and stay balanced at the same time.

-West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitians

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