Monday, August 28, 2017

After-School Snacks

Your kids are going, going, going all day, so when the bell finally rings it’s no surprise they’re looking for something to help recharge, refuel and re-energize. Or maybe 3:00 pm rolls around and you hear your stomach cue that time for a mid-day pick-me-up. What sets a snack apart is the idea that it’s supposed to be quick and readily available for that instant boost. When it comes to the perfect snack, we’ve got you covered for easy, tasty and nutritious choices to fill any part of the day.

Nutrition-Packed Snacks
·        Ants On A Log
Spread celery sticks with peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese. Top with raisins or dried cranberries.
·        Banana Split
Top a banana with low-fat vanilla and strawberry frozen yogurt. Sprinkle with your favorite whole-grain granola or cereal.
·        Snack Kabobs
Put cubes of low-fat cheese and grapes on pretzel sticks.
·        Easy Fruit Pizza
Spread vanilla Greek yogurt over a graham cracker and top it with cut fruit
·        Critter Crunch
In a bowl, combine Wheat Thins, Cheerios, animal crackers, honey bear-shaped crackers, shredded wheat cereal, raisins and M&Ms.
Get Creative and Dip it!
·         Dip baby carrots and cherry tomatoes in low-fat ranch dressing
·         Dip strawberries or apple slices in low-fat yogurt
·         Dip pretzels in mustard
·         Dip pita chips in hummus
·         Dip graham crackers in applesauce
·         Dip baked tortilla chips in bean dip
·         Dip animal crackers in low-fat pudding
·         Dip bread sticks in salsa
·         Dip a granola bar in low-fat yogurt
·         Dip mini-toaster waffles in cinnamon applesauce

Delicious Snacks to Stock Your Fridge
·     Low-fat cheese- eat as a snack, on a sandwich or to top cooked eggs
·     Vegetables- choose a wide variety and add to egg dishes or pair with a dip like hummus or peanut butter
·     Fruit- fresh, frozen, dried and canned will work but avoid added sugars
·     Water- try water before sugary drinks or add a flavor packet for a new taste
·     Nuts and nut butters- use on a sandwich, as a snack or as a dip for fruits and veggies
·    Eggs- if you’ve got a microwave, then you have a quick and easy breakfast
·    Milk and yogurt- choose fat-free or low-fat milk and yogurt
·    Hummus- this bean spread is perfect as a veggie dip and on sandwiches or crackers
·    Salsa- a great way to add veggies to your day, salsa pairs well with whole-grain chips or tortilla chips
·    Use the Nutrition Facts Panel- helpful for monitoring sugar, fat, calories and serving size

Cereal isn’t just for breakfast anymore! Check out these creative ways to incorporate cereal into your snacks, as seen in the August Hy-Vee Seasons magazine:

Cereal Yogurt Dip
Makes 1 2/3 cup.
1. Combine 2 (5.3 oz) containers Hy-Vee Greek vanilla yogurt and 1 (3.25 oz) cup Hy-Vee vanilla pudding in a bowl.
2. Transfer dip mixture to a serving bowl. Top with 1 cup Kellogg’s Apple Jacks cereal.
3. Serve with apple slices for dipping. 
Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowls
Serves 2.
1. Place 1 frozen banana, 1 (5.3 oz) container Hy-Vee Greek vanilla yogurt, 1/3 cup Kellogg’s Krave Double Chocolate cereal, ¼ cup Hy-Vee skim milk and 2 tbsp Hy-Vee natural creamy peanut butter.
2. Cover; blend until smooth.
3.  Divide between two bowls.
4. Top with additional cereal, banana chips, coconut flakes and Hy-Vee mini semisweet chocolate chips.
Check out our blog on Smart Snacking for additional snack ideas! 

-West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitian Team

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