Monday, October 9, 2017

Spaghetti Squash: The New Kid on the Block

If you are looking for a fun alternative to pasta, look no further.  Spaghetti squash can easily take over your meals – a lot goes a long way, providing fiber and a lot of nutritional color. Additionally, it contains Vitamin C (helps immune system, supports growth and repair of body proteins) and Vitamin B6 (supports energy metabolism and hemoglobin production). Other minerals included are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. The squash is a great fall vegetable that kids love. Don’t forget, it’s low in calories, carbohydrates and it is gluten-free!

You really have a lot of options when you cook with spaghetti squash, whether you are looking for a sweet or savory dish. A huge advantage to cooking spaghetti squash is that all you really have to do is pop it in the oven, and you can tackle some other things around the house while it is softening up! Check out the recipes below to add ideas into your weekly menu.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash
Serves: 3-5
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes

All you need:
1 spaghetti squash
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and pepper if desired

All you do:
1. Set oven to 350° F.  Wash spaghetti squash, and cut it lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds, just like a pumpkin. If it’s a struggle to make a clean cut, poke a couple of holes in it, and pop into the microwave for 3-4 minutes.  This should soften it a little bit to cut easier. You can also cut it width wise – it creates longer “noodles” which resemble spaghetti just that much more.  Your choice on the cut!
2. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over both halves and use a basting brush or spatula to spread. Option to add some sea salt and pepper for extra flavor.
3. Flip each side face down so the flat side is on the pan.
4. Set the time for 45 minutes. The best way to check the squash is to flip a side over and stick a fork in the tender area.  The squash should shred pretty easily.  If not, stick it back in the oven for another 8-10 minutes.
5. When your squash is ready, pull it out of the oven and let it sit for a good 5 minutes to cool off.  If you are really ambitious, you can put an oven mitt on to scrape it out! Flip the squash onto its side, and shred using a fork.  It should just fall out onto the plate, bowl or cutting board you are using.
6. Serve onto a plate or bowl. Fun toppings for your spaghetti squash: spaghetti sauce with parmesan cheese or olive oil.  Your possibilities are endless when it comes to protein options (chicken, beef, steak, etc.) or vegetables to put on top.

Garlic and Herb Spaghetti Squash: Here is an easy and nutritious recipe from our Hy-Vee chefs, with another idea of toppings. 
Spaghetti Squash Lasagna: Then, this. Creamy ricotta cheese and spinach packs in protein and fiber with some delicious taste!  Plus, it serves 8, providing leftovers or even better, freezer meals to have dinners on hand when you have a busy night.
Spaghetti Squash Broccoli Bacon and Cheddar Mini Quiches: What a fantastic idea for breakfast! These would be so easy to eat at home or on the go. They pack in some great protein and nutrition, bound to keep you full for the morning or mid-day snack!
Spaghetti Squash and Apples: This recipe looks delicious if you are craving a sweet, yet healthy snack or dessert. There is just a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon added in here, but even the apples will ramp up the sweetness for this yummy idea!

-West Lakes Hy-Vee Dietitians Team

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