Monday, June 4, 2018

Beach Bodies

It’s June now, and since we’re in Iowa, that means it’s HOT. Winter has finally left us, we can break out the shorts and enjoy all things glorious summer! Now, there are plenty of things to do in central Iowa during the summer – roam around the Farmer’s Market, go on walks/to parks, hit the golf course – but one thing stands out as the coolest way to beat the heat: water! Going to the pool, the beach, sailing around Saylorville or even setting up a sprinkler in the yard are all ideal when it comes to getting that heat relief. As fun as it is though, it can be anxiety inducing for many because of the often sought after “beach body.”

It seems like everyone wants to have a beach body, and many of you are probably working hard on yours. As swimsuit season gets closer each year, the dieting increases, as do workouts and often self-loathing thinking your body will never be ready. Guess what, though? You already have a beach body. We put so much pressure on ourselves to try to look “better” to avoid embarrassment, shame and insecurities surrounding our bodies, but all our bodies ever do is try to take care of us the best they know how. We come in all shapes and sizes, and there is nothing wrong with that!

Check out this video by ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Health)! I love it and think it’s such a fun depiction of our beautifully different bodies:

Now, there’s nothing wrong with exercising and eating nutritious foods as both are good for overall health. It’s just important to note why you’re doing it. If it’s solely to look better, that may not be a sustainable or mentally healthy reason. But if you move in ways you love and make you feel good, and eat foods you love and make you feel good (including things like ice cream!), that will likely be a more enjoyable way to live and take care of your body.

I think something that is not said enough is that all bodies are good bodies. Contrary to societal beliefs, body size does not determine a person’s worth or how they should be treated. It doesn’t matter what size your body is, or what imperfections you may have (as we all do), all bodies are equally worthy of care and respect. Does that mean everyone treats bodies of all sizes with respect? Unfortunately, no. But that doesn’t make your body any less worthy.

When the weather is hot (or any other time) and you want to find some water to cool down, put on your favorite swimsuit and get out there! You don’t need chiseled abs or toned arms, your beach body is perfect as is. I know it’s much easier said than done, but try not to let your thoughts or worries about your body hold you back from living your fullest life. If this is new to you and you want to learn more about body acceptance, intuitive eating or health at every size, please reach out to me! I’d love to chat with you.

Warmly, until next time,

Dietitian Melissa

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